When it comes to installing a garage door, insulation is becoming more of an expectation from homeowners than a recommendation. Many factors come into play when finding the best garage door insulation for your home. One of the factors that homeowners don’t usually consider is garage door insulation R-value.
“What is R-value?” “Why does R-value matter for insulation?” “How do I know what a good or bad R-value is?” These might be some of the questions you have after hearing about R-value for the first time. Luckily, you can build a fundamental understanding of garage door insulation R-value by reading this blog.
What Is Garage Door Insulation R-Value?
When it comes to garage door insulation, R-value refers to the level of resistance insulation has against incoming heat. Garage door insulation R-value is determined by the type of insulation, its material, density, and thickness. The R-value is also calculated based on how the material ages, accumulates moisture and has the ability to withstand certain temperatures.
Why Does R-Value Matter?
If you live in an area that gets oppressively hot in the summer, a garage door with a high R-value can significantly affect your home’s temperature. The R-value can also make or break the durability and longevity of your garage door’s insulation. While this isn’t the only element of garage door insulation to consider, it is one of the most important ones.
How Does One Interpret R-Value?
You won’t be able to find the best insulation for your garage door if you don’t know how to interpret garage door insulation R-value. In simple terms, a higher R-value means the insulation will have a stronger resistance to heat flow. Where garage doors are concerned, the R-value scale typically ranges from 0-16, with 0 signifying absolutely no insulation. Some insulation R-values can go above 16, but those types of garage door insulation are very expensive and are tailored for very specific garage doors and climates.
What Is The R-Value Of Some Of The Most Widely Used Garage Door Insulation Materials?
In order to gain a stronger understanding of garage door insulation R-value let’s examine some of the most widely used garage door insulation materials and take a look at their R-values. While radiant and reflective barriers are popular types of garage door insulation, they will not be included in this guide due to the fact that they lack an inherent R-value. As explained earlier, multiple factors are at play when determining the R-value, so these calculations should be taken as estimates. For definitive answers on R-value, check with the manufacturer of the insulation you wish to install.
Fiberglass is one of the most commonly used insulation materials found in attics, garage doors, and other places. This material often resembles cotton candy and is available in batts or rolls. This material usually has an R-value of 3-4.3 per inch of thickness, depending on whether it’s installed in batts or loose-filling forms. This means the overall R-value of a garage door insulated by fiberglass will depend on the garage door size and the depth of the insulation.
Rigid Foam
While fiberglass is one of the most widely used insulation materials, experts highly recommend rigid foam for garage door insulation. This insulation comes in three varieties: expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, and polyisocyanurate. These subcategories of rigid foam insulation have R-values ranging from 3.8 to 7 per inch of thickness, making it more ideal than fiberglass. When installed in board form, the R-value of rigid foam tends to be even higher.
Spray Foam
Finally, spray foam insulation consists of polyurethane foam that is added between garage door layers. Unlike the other two materials, this type of insulation material is usually pre-installed between garage door layers. If it isn’t already installed, it can be expensive to purchase. The R-value can vary, but it usually tends to be within the same range as or higher than that of rigid foam insulation.
Our Technicians Will Help Insulate Your Garage Door!
Garage door insulation R-values are worth considering when finding the best garage door insulation. However, they shouldn’t be considered in isolation. Qualities such as ease of installation, moisture resistance, and even fire safety also need to be weighed. Our Garage Door Repair Pro’s Galveston technicians can help you find and install the best insulation for your garage door. Contact us today so you can have your garage door insulation professionally installed.